Photo Graphias
Trilingue français-anglais-espagnol
Textes de Johanna Calle, Alexis Fabry, Michel Frizot, Rachel Mohl
Coordination éditoriale : Doriana Capenti
Monographie consacrée aux travaux photographiques de l'artiste colombienne Johanna Calle, qui développe ce qu'elle nomme des "dessins photographiques".
« Starting from anonymous vintage silver gelatin photographs, collected with the care of an ethnographer, Johanna Calle creates what she calls “photographic drawings.”
Her own gestures are added to the fleeting gesture that produced the original image. Little by little, she effaces its original features, delicately bringing out the signs of a buried history: a landscape reveals the lines of a musical staff, a face gives way to a polyhedron, a series of aerial photographs traces the silhouette of the canopy of the primeval rainforest. »
[présentation de l'éditeur]
Textes de Johanna Calle, Alexis Fabry, Michel Frizot, Rachel Mohl
Coordination éditoriale : Doriana Capenti
Monographie consacrée aux travaux photographiques de l'artiste colombienne Johanna Calle, qui développe ce qu'elle nomme des "dessins photographiques".
« Starting from anonymous vintage silver gelatin photographs, collected with the care of an ethnographer, Johanna Calle creates what she calls “photographic drawings.”
Her own gestures are added to the fleeting gesture that produced the original image. Little by little, she effaces its original features, delicately bringing out the signs of a buried history: a landscape reveals the lines of a musical staff, a face gives way to a polyhedron, a series of aerial photographs traces the silhouette of the canopy of the primeval rainforest. »
[présentation de l'éditeur]